Do I hate getting older?/OTP

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Do I hate getting older?

Nah: I just avoid thinking about it.


Example: The other day I ran across another blogger celebrating their “blogiversary” and thought, “Hmmm… didn’t I have one of those recently?”


Came and went without notice. Two years ago October 6th, I became an unintentional blogger, when a blogspot blog I wanted to comment on allowed only blogspot users to comment.

“OK,” thought I, “I guess I’ll sign up and get a user name.” Having a user name, I found I could commit the unnatural act myself and crated “third world county” (my old Blogger blog), and the rest is blogging hysteria, urm, history. Oh, I gave other reasons in my innagural post, but it really was a case of “Well, I have the ID and can have a blog, so why not?” ๐Ÿ™‚

So, for all y’all who missed my blogiversary, don’t feel bad. I missed it myself.

For the record, the premire twc post both at the old site and as imported here.

13 Replies to “Do I hate getting older?/OTP”

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