Foley File Update

An email correspondent (ID withheld to protect the guilty :-)) sent me this:

Priest Who Fondled Foley Probed by Diocese

You don’t have to follow the link to see how very wrong this is!

Urm, well, yeh. And the point is, exactly?


(You’ll note that since my correspondent clipped the headline, Fox has amended it somewhat… )


Still, Foley’s attempt to remanufacture his image as a victim is reprehensible. No matter what his boyhood experiences, it is he who is responsible for his adult behavior and no one else. One of the chief ills of our society today is the “blame the other guy” syndrome. Flip Wilson used to play that as “the devil made me do it” but modern society plays it as “anybody but me is at fault”. Whites are to blame for lazy, beligerant blacks; men are to blame for shrill harridans (are you listening, Maureen Dowd? No, of course not; your gums are too busy flapping) complaining that they just can’t get a man; the U.S., the most productive society in this hemisphere, is to blame for Mexico’s wealth being concentrated in the hands of the ricos and millions of its people pouring North to escape the poverty imposed by its ruling elite.

Everybody’s a victim.

Yeh, yeh. Bushwah.

IMO, Foley’s just another in a long, long line of lying, illegitimate, fake, phony, fulla hot air bullshitters claiming victim status. If you want justice and amelioration of the wrongs done Foley, we need a law to castrate the pedophile priest, but make Foley the next in line. Then we need another crime and punishment on the books for fake victims. Maybe give the cat their tongues?


Off with their heads, the lot of them. It’s the only way they’d be a benefit to society: as mulch for killing kudzu.

RANT: OFF (? Maybe…)

I wonder what Sam thinks about alla this…

4 Replies to “Foley File Update”

  1. Ah yes the victim like a charm in this narcissitic
    self absorbed , debased culture of ours…cept the few remnants..
    like us?..who aint fraid to call a spade a spade..oops ..can
    i say that without the PC police takin me away?..grinz.. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Selective Amnesia
  3. I say whack it off! And, not in the good way, either.

    As for those suffering, “woe is me” victims, they can just shut it. We’re the real victims for having to listen to their *beep*.

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