Pleasing no one

I’ve been threatening an essay on The War to Save Western Civilization for some time, now.

Relax. This isn’t it. In fact, I’m probablu going to make it much shorter by calling it simply The War to Save Civilization, since Western Civilization’s the only thing approaching civilization left. Barely.

But this lil screed will be just enough to enfuriate just about everyone. I’ll try to make it as short as possible:

Three things that are unecessary, and even probably detrimental in the War to Save Civilization:

1.) An Amendment to our Constitution defining marriage as between man and woman. Wrong answer to the problem. Right answer: sack some judges. Or, faling sacking them, simply ignore them when they speak outside their proper roles. Seriously. If governors and legislators would simply tell judges to go take a flying leap when they make loony, improper “rulings” about things that are not any of their beeswax, then slap them upside the head with impeachment proceedings, this horse would be far too dead to beat.
2.) A “Prayer” Amendment. Come on. The thought police are going to prevent school prayer? I don’t think so. And should some loony moonbat seek to prevent audible prayer because of some misinterpretation and misapplication of a loony moonbat Supreme Court ruling, see first number 1 above. Then sue the bastards for infringing on YOUR First Amendment rights of freedom of religion and free speech. Repeat.
3.) A “Pledge” Amendment. See #1 above. Screw them if they want to restrict free speech, especially free political speech, such as the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, here’s where I manage to tick off everyone who isn’t ticked off already. Also, screw anyone who assumes (and reflects by their behavior) that someone who will not say the Pledge or speaks against it is unpatriotic. I don’t repeat it, beacuse some points it includes, particularly the “one nation under God” are patent lies, and because I’m leery of giving anything beyond what scripture says we owe civil government (taxes, respect, obedience to laws, prayer and moral support—nowhere suggesting allegiance, which belongs to God… ). If this is a representative republic along democratic lines, then the various civil governments owe allegiance to me (and you), not the other way around. Our duties lie elsewhere. Long screed there that I’ll cut short now.

Well, have I managed to offend enough folks, yet. No? Well, don’t worry; it’s not over yet. I’ll pour more oil on the fire another time. But as for these three duds in the arsenal of weapons against civilization’s foes, set them in the garden with the gnomes. They are good only for collecting bird droppings.

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