Wake up call

Michelle, over at A Small Victory got a lil “wake up call” this a.m. Seems some cretin IM’ed a death threat to her daughter… Not good. She’s handling it well, though, after venting a lil.

On another subject, she’s closed her limerick competition on sKerry’s defeat. Darn it. I didn’t even see the thing til it was over! [sigh] So many good blogs out there; so little time. Read the entries here and submit your selections for winner to her via email.

My own entry (had I seen the contest before it closed) might have been something along these lines:

As Kerry has mournfully sung,
“There’re not enough votes in the young,
The creepy and crumby,
Or hungry for money,
To carry me over; I’m hung.”

Or something like that…

Get on over to Michelle’s site and give her a word of encouragement, OK?

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