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I usually pre-post my open posts the night before, so they’re up and ready for the early birds, but last night I was more than a little bummed out. Sure, I’m well used to the weathervaning/flip-flopping of such blatant liars as Jean Fraud sKerry, but last night, President Bush harked back to an earlier and far more (politically) deadly flip flop.
President Bush, the Younger, may have been channeling his father last night. For the past couple of years, he’s been touting his “guest worker” idea but pledging it wouldn’t be an amnesty and that illegals wouldn’t be offered a citizenship path without getting in line and doing it like millions of others have. (Oh, but it’s NOT the “guest worker” program he’s been getting resistance to! Oh, no! It’s something entirely different! The SAME THING dressed up as a “temporary worker” program. Thanks for insulting my intelligence, Mr. President. I’ll return the favor Real Soon Now. In spades.)
But despite his outright lie that it isn’t amnesty, and his lie that “temporary workers” will “have to wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law”, his “temporary workers” proposal does NOT make illegal aliens get to the back of the line. They get to stay and they have a citizenship path telling them, “It’s just hunky dory that youstarted your “citizenship path” with stealing across our borders, stealing our tax dollars and a pack of lies day in and day out with forged documents, etc., even though ANY immigrant who lies to enter the country is subject to deportation. It’s just hunky dory that YOU start off YOUR citizenship path as an outlaw.”
Oh. But that’s not an amnesty program because they “should have to pay a meaningful penalty” for breaking the law. Now that sounds good, right? So what’s the “meaningful penalty”?
Well, he proposes the followwing stiff, draconian penalties: that illegal aliens annointed with “temporary worker” status be required “to pay their taxes to learn English and to work in a job for a number of years.”
Oh! Dread! How vile! How cruel and unusual! Why, it’s downright unconstitutional in its draconian sweep! Pay taxes! *horror!* Learn English! *gasp!* (Why, that’s something politicians, Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nuts aren’t even forced to do!) Work! *Work!?!?!?!*
Oh, the inhumanity of this “meaningful penalty”! Why, come to think of it, I’d like to know what I’m being penalized for!
Oh, and they would have to wait in line behind those who follow the law seeking citizenship.
A couple of points about that lil lie.
1.) Where are the ones following the law waiting? Well, MOST of them are waiting OUT IN THE COLD, as it were. Still waiting for their chance to enter. If Bush meant what he said and illegals would have to wait in line behind those who follow the law, then they’d have to go outside and get in line with everyone else.
2.) Who says these illegals—or even most of them—really want citizenship? Did you see the May Day (and earlier) demonstrations. What flag was most prominent? Not the American flag. How many seriously want citizenship? Only one sure way to tell: they’ll get in back of the REAL line.
Nope. Not a gonna happen in President Bush’s world. They get to keep their places “won” by cutting in line, here beside the fire. “Want some more hot cocoa while you’re waiting inside by the fire, holding down a job, learning English and paying taxes _like all our citizens we are penalizing in the same way_, Juan?”
And catch this baldfaced lie:
What I have just described is not amnesty it is a way for those who have broken the law to pay their debt to society, and demonstrate the character that makes a good citizen.
If what President Bush described is “not an amnesty” then I want to know exactly what is. They get to stay and suffer the penalties of what? Just what every citizen and legal alien does. IAgain: if paying taxes, speaking English and holding down a job are penalties, I want to know what crime I’m guilty of. No longer being a citizen but a subject?
I usually post a “No Bullshit” graphic of Jean Fraud sKerry, the FORMER 21st Century icon of weathervaning bullshit, on Tuesdays. Not today. *sigh*

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