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OK, the downside of living in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. *sigh*
For the past eleven years, we’ve lived in a very quiet neighborhood in a small town in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ where the loudest disturbances have been dogs barking at invading wildlife, the occasional sound of hunters over the hill (maybe a quarter mile off and well over a hill) during deer season and the mostly distant sound of the trains passing through, which everyone in town hears.
None of this is a patch on city traffic, C-130s doing touch-and-gos and MLRS launches that were common where we moved from (heck, some of the missle launches weren’t a patch on the artillary range impacts which could be heard miles away).
But recently, here in our quiet cul de sac, we’ve had to consider dealing with a different set of noises. Some young 20-somethings were able to swing financing the house our good neighbor moved out of a few years after losing his wife to cancer (a long story there). They got it for a song—not a patch on what our former neighbor had paid (some problems with a city right-of-way had forced demo-ing a portion of the house *sigh*), but still… Yeh, seem like nice kids, but…
…it’s been a while, a pretty good long while (back when we bought and began rennovating a bungalow in “the better part of the ghetto” in KCMO when we were just newlywed pups), since we’ve had to put up with loud, drunken parties late on Saturday night/early Sunday mornings—or at any time, for that matter. Heck, they have a nice back yard, so why do they have to congregate and do their loud, drunken hootin’ andf hollerin’ in their front yard, just a bit away from our bedroom windows?
OK, I’ve stifled my natural tendencies, and all of our neighbors and their drunken friends are still alive and unmarked (by me, at least). And my blood pressure isn’t all that bad right now, either.
Before I TAKE STEPS, I thought I’d solicit the considered thoughts of readers here: what helpful hints (beyond buying/renting/building a “Sonic Laser” *heh*) would you suggest for dealing with these drunks?
Comments (or even whole posts tracked back to this one) welcome.
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You poor thing! I’m proud of you for stifling your natural tendencies and letting the poor little frat boys live. We have a similar situation – some college kids rented the house right as you turn into our street. Everyone else on this little street are very quiet for the most part. But they haven’t been too bad – just the occassional party and they aren’t directly across from us.
The sonic laser seems like a good idea – but it probably would get you in a little trouble I suppose. Too bad for that.
I really can’t think of anything. Shine a spotlight over there all night while they are partying? That might run them to the back yard. I suppose asking nicely wouldn’t get them to go in the back?
I’m not being much help – just offering sympathy 🙁
Poor thing!
Ah…dealing with the “manifestations” of others..our biggest
spiritual and emotional challenge in Life. OK..first off try the
honey not the sting…mebbe go over with lovely Wonder Woman and ask
ever so politely and courteously (even if yer grittin yer teeth under-
neath)…see if they seem remotely receptive?…If that don’t work..hit me
for part 2..when ya bring the Big Guns out..heh…is what they’re doin
legal btw?..:)
1. Got any friends who are Hell’s Angels?
2. Borrow 2 coon dogs for the week end.
3. Call the ACLU and tell them there is a church meeting going on at the house.
4. Call Cindy Sheehan and tell her the media will be at the party.
Fight fire with fire. A few hours after their party winds down crank up some bluegrass music and start shooing your shotgun in the sky and have a real hoedown! I bet they’ll get the hint, and once they know you have a shotgun they’ll probably think twice before they mess with you again you crazy old coot!