Moonbats caught… being moonbats

From Stop the ACLU, a little newsbreak:

A professor and six students at Northern Kentucky University were charged Wednesday with misdemeanors related to the April 12 destruction of an anti-abortion display on campus.

Read the rest at the link. My thoughts immediately sprang to developing tactics to elicit more charges against moonbats…

Purchase a few Mexican flags. Burn them in a demonstration against *reconquistas* (after all, if leftists think _Americans_ burning an American flag on American soil is OK, what’s the problem with burning the flag of a country whose government is actively aiding and abetting in criminal invasion of our soil?)

Build a “fence” separating “Mexico” and “the U.S.” for a campus demonstration against *reconquistas*. Include life-sized depictions of deportations, etc.

Publish and distribute leaflets showing what happens in late-term abortions. Distribute them at a college pro-life rally. etc.

Keep plenty of “film crews” on hand to show how moonbats react. Use the video to bring charges for assault, etc.

Could be fun. Of course, it wouldn’t fly here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. *heh* In America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ we’d be hard-pressed to find any leftists at all (outside the school system or the one state social services agency), and none that are willing to swim upstream in public. Absolutely none who would become violent or attempt theft at a pro-right rally of any sort.

Cos the rest of us are armed.

Love that 2nd amendment.

Manning the barricades at Freedom Watch, Blue Star Chronicles and TMH’s Bacon Bits

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