A Modest Proposal

(No, not the Swiftian proposal.)

Since it looks more and more as though the President and our wonderful congrescritters have no desire to actually control our borders or enforce the laws of the land where invaders are concerned (only where they can selectively enforce laws against American subjects, since apprently we are no longer citizens), perhaps it’s time as many of us as can hilight the feebs’ distaste for enforcing the laws against piecemeal invasion by a foreign nation (does anyone doubt the Mexican government encourages and aids the invaders from its country?) already on the books.

(Long enough sentence for ya? :-))

Some citizens (well, at least they are acting like citizens, not subjects of a political elite) are attempting to address the problem in a substantive way, apparently. The Border Fence Project is an attempt

To patch and extend U.S.-Mexico border fence along all 1952 miles of southern border using high-tech TV cameras, microphones, lighting, motion and other electronic sensors, with voluntary civilian labor, donations, private border-ranch fencing profits, and maintenance teams, for less than $2.50 per foot or $23 million

More power (and donations) to ’em. But that’s only half the problem. We also need to get the illegals, the invaders, OUT. You can help there, too.

1.) If you know of any business employing “undocumented workers” drop a dime on ’em. Seriously. Report ’em to local authorities, the INS and the U.S. Attorney’s office for your district.
2.) If arrests aren’t made, follow up with letters to your area newspapers and to your local/area AND various national news outlets detailing the issue and the lack of response by authorities.
3.) Follow up with contacts with local, state and national political critters, preferably with signed petitions demanding the arrest and prosecution of law enforcement officers who failed to enforce the laws.

Make a stink. Make noise.

My bet, though, is that no matter how much of a noisy stink you attempt, LEOs, Mass Media Podpeople, Political Poltroons will one and all sweep the thing under the rug and not a ripple will surface to rock the open borders/reconquistas boat. (Like the mixed metaphor? It’s what metas are for, IMO.)


h.t. on the fence project thing to Code Red.

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