Things are going well… on several fronts

While Bush is racking up the ECV and leading or doing well in all the states he must (and some of the “bonus” states, as well), Senate races are also going well.

And on the voter intimidation front, Lori Byrd at Polipundit notes a report that

” …the GOP has a list of documented Democratic voter intimidation cases longer than your arm. Or, longer than a John Kerry speech. Or, longer than John Edwards spends fussing with his hair. You get the idea.”

Add that to the Daschle embarrassment for the Dems in SD (no matter how the race turns out), and “litigating the race” (and doing so via the Mass Media Podpeople) becomes problematic for the Dems.

As many have noted: if the polls are still open, call Uncle Zed and Aunt Polly and get them, their kids and their dogs down to vote.

And pray.

Maybe pray first. And keep on.


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