Blogging Tip

You ever get a tad frustrated when someone posts a darned good post (or an execrably bad one) and has comments turned off? No time to blog in depth right then, but really wanna comment?

Me too.

Here’s a simple solution. Well, it’s simple if you have a browser that’s all-in-one (browser, email client, FULL TEXT RSS reader) like Opera. And it’s still pretty easy even if you are stuck back in the dark ages using separate apps for each of those things.

Subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog. Especially if you read it often and often wanna comment, but can’t cos comments are turned off. That way, you can check the blog’s RSS feed regularly, and if you find something that’s comment-worthy (and your RSS reader is capable), just CLICK on Reply (or Right-Click> Reply) and send an e-.

Works great. As easy as leaving a comment, and depending on how their blog’s configured, maybe even more likely to get noticed and replied to.


Noted at Conservative Cat, Imagine Kitty and The Real Ugly American..

3 Replies to “Blogging Tip”

  1. Still, darned annoying when comments are off. Sorta bypasses the whole point of blogging.

    I just don’t understand the logic, unless you think your posts really suck and you don’t want the fallout. .

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