France Surrenders! Testing 123 is this thing on?

Hi all.

I was quite flattered when yesterday David asked me to put up a guest post or two on his blog. Maybe the guy is off his meds but I am gonna take advantage of it while I can 8)

Dave’s dislike of all things muslim is well–documented. Well I have a similar dislike of France, French People and anything that comes from France. So that being said I am proud to make this news report from France my first contribution to the Third World County:

In this article France steps up rhetoric on Iran The BBC reports:

France has for the first time explicitly accused Iran of using its nuclear programme as a cover for clandestine military nuclear activity. Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told French TV no civilian programme could explain Iran’s activity.

A short time later Iran responded to the charges by the French Foreign Minister:

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani not taking kindly to the French stance said: “I suggest Mr. Douste-Blazy to use diplomatic tone and avoid increasing the tension (over Iran’s nuclear program) by making such comments. His motivation for making such comments is unclear to us. But adopting a logical stance towards Iran’s nuclear activity, better serves the interest of the region.”

Upon hearing the news French President  Jerkoff ….Err Jacques Chirac released a brief statement:

To avoid further offense to our dear Iranian friends France hereby declares an Unconditional Surrender.  We did not mean to imply in anyway that France had a backbone or courage. We hope the mullahs accept our sincere appology and see fit to spare the lives of our women and children. We are not making any demands of course. We are begging really. Please don’t kill us.

This post is crossposted at The Real Ugly American

(authors disclaimer) If this actually worked and you were able to read this post it was due to pure dumb luck.

[Announcing the surrender at Customerservant

6 Replies to “France Surrenders! Testing 123 is this thing on?”

  1. Your dumb luck has held out – this posted 🙂

    Your being awfully hard on the French. They showed some real courage over this cartoon thing. They published the cartoons.

    The stood firm on their stance against the cartoon riots for at least 15 minutes before they took them down and fired the editor of the newspaper and bent over to the Mullahs begging their forgiveness.

    That’s a record isn’t it??

    At least they are showing progress.

    Anyway – I just came over to tell David I put his link on my site (Blue Star Chronicles). I’ve seen the begging all over the internet and thought I’d let him know at least one site has linked to him 🙂

    Have fun…

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