TAKS Testing WHO Needs It?

I received a letter from the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District yesterday informing me that-

February is an important month for many students across the state of Texas because the week of February 20-24, grades 3,4,5,7,9,10 and 11 will take the February administration of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, our state mandated assessment.

OK let me get this straight. They’re taking an administration? Are they sure they don’t mean that the TAKS tests will be administered to students in those grades? ALSO I’d like to add that this letter came to me folded so that when I took it out of the envelope the first thing I read was-

Estimados Padres y Estudiantes:
Ebrerero es un mes muy importante para muchos alumnos a traves de todo el estado de Texas…….

Well let me tell you- I no habla espanol and that’s because I’m an English speaking American. Do the people that mail these letters out assume that most of the recipients are Spanish speaking or what? As far as I’m concerned they should damn well be folded so that the English side is what’s seen first, and furthermore as far as I’m concerned there should only be an English side. If you can’t speak or read the language go to some country where you can.

They say students and teachers have worked hard throughout the year to prepare for all state mandated tests. They sure as hell have. That’s all I ever hear from my kids when I ask so what did you do in school today? We’re studying for the TAKS test. If they’d just teach the damn subjects and not worry about the tests and keep the kids concerned about their performance on them both the kids and the teachers would be better off. The kids might actually even learn something other than that if they don’t do well on these tests the school’s budget will be affected.

One of the purposes of sending me this letter was to let me know that to help my child be successful on these tests that they should:

  • Get a good night’s sleep before each day’s test;
  • Allow plenty of time to awaken before each day’s test;
  • Begin each day with breakfast;and
  • Allow plenty of time to arrive promptly to school.

I’m so glad they gave me this bit of advice I’m overcome with gratitude. I guess it’s ok then to let them party all night, sleep in late, skip breakfast and drag in the middle of second period the rest of the school year.


Crossposted at Diane’s Stuff

And written on the chalkboard 100 times, ok, just once, at Bloggin’ Outloud

2 Replies to “TAKS Testing WHO Needs It?”

  1. “If they?d just teach the damn subjects and not worry about the tests and keep the kids concerned about their performance on them both the kids and the teachers would be better off.”

    Straight up!

    Rant on, Lady Diane!

  2. si si comprendo..lolz..Well then..not much to add to that one cept
    for how bout when u call a service company and get the spanish
    operator voice sayin..Para Espanol numero dos…ack!

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