Why We Don’t Rant

Just finished a great conversation with the host of TWC (in case you didn’t notice, this is Lyn from FBO guest posting at David’s invitation).  One of the topics we touched upon is speaking the truth.  Not in love.  Just speaking the truth.  Which is an act of love. (I’m extrapolating here, Dave, so bear with me, it’ll come together in the end, promise.)

Some call this ranting.  I don’t rant a lot at Bloggin’ Outloud.  David likes to rant at more than a drop of a hat.  We have different styles.  We have different purposes.  But we share a belief:  Lies are lies.  Truth is truth.  And if you’re going to blog about life, you’d better be prepared to tell it like it is.  Which means, at times (more often than not?), you’ll have to rant.

But most of us don’t.  Yet we blog.  And boy, do some of us blog … on and on and on. Without saying anything.  Without speaking truth.  Why?  Are we afraid?  That could be.  Anyone who’s gotten a nasty comment knows the punch that idiot lurkers can land with their anonymous jabs in our blogger plexus.  Criticism can cause us pause. (Except in David’s case, who actually wants nasty emails – it tells him someones reading! lol)

Another option is that we’re too kind.  We don’t rant because we don’t want to offend.  For example, I’m prone toward gentleness (or maybe it’s weaniness).  Instead of calling someone a liar, I’ll point out the lie, and show you why it’s a lie.  But I’d never call anyone an outright liar!  How arrogant!  How rude!  How unChristian and unloving!

But wait.  If I really cared about the truth, wouldn’t I do everything possible to defend it?  Even at the risk of alienating the very ones I’m trying to reach?  Wouldn’t it be the loving thing to speak it clearly, boldly, incessantly?

Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.  Maybe the real reason we don’t rant is because we’re 1) not committed to the truth in our own lives (or possibly don’t even know the truth); and 2) not committed to loving others enough to speak light into darkness.  It is no virtue to exhibit confusion as to what is truth and the fate of those who live without it.

Therefore, rant.  Be free.  Let the truth be known.  Shout it from the highest blog.  Speak the truth…loudly.  This is an act of love!  Is there a place for tact?  Gentleness?  Soft words?  Yes (see my blog, lol).  But better, is there a place to rant?  To scream?  To point fingers?  Yes.  (That’s why I’m guest posting at TWC!) 

Ah, but can the two co-exist?  Can both tactics be used for the kingdom?  The answer is: Yes.  And if you say they can’t, you’re a d*mn’d liar.

[Exploding on the scene at TMH’s Bacon Bits and hitting the top of the charts at Liberal Common Sense.—ed.]

6 Replies to “Why We Don’t Rant”

  1. Pingback: Random Yak
  2. Ranting in truth is good for your soul,
    the funny thing about Light is that it is.
    light peeks out from under the basket
    as well as shining from the lantern hung from the ceiling….

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