Wednesday OTA/Plus

Today is Wednesday, in case you’d not yet noticed (lil reminder for the caffeine-deprived among us), so, it’s Open Trackback Alliance Day here at America’s third World Countyâ„¢. Link to this post and trackback. A reference to your linked post will appear below this post, both on the post page and this front page.

But before all the linky stuff, take a break and check out

American news media: little courage and little honesty, by Dennis Prager. The nut of the piece?

“When it comes to taking on conservatives, Catholics, Evangelicals and the like, liberal news media are Supermen. When it comes to confronting real evil, however, the news media are Mickey Mouse.”

Just read the whole thing, then come back here and do the linky stuff with this post and trackback…

Link to this URL:
Trackback to this URI:

Hit me with your best shot, wouldya?

And CLICK on the OTA graphic below or on my left sidebar for more info on the Open Trackback Alliance, ‘K?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

17 Replies to “Wednesday OTA/Plus”

  1. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  2. Pingback: ★imaginekitty★
  3. Pingback: Bloggin' Outloud
  4. What? What’d I do? Honest, I don’t know what a wordpress database error is. Please, please.
    Don’t hurt me, I’ll never do it again, I promise. lgp

  5. This looks like the same type of error Mark B. was talking about having with the gravatars plugin and names with apostrophes in them. Check out his trackback on the front here!

  6. Pingback: Diane's Stuff
  7. Yeh. Long e- to you Diane (and slightly shorter one to you, Lyn) about the plugin thing. Visited Mark’s blog again this a.m. and he had an answer for my Q from last night.

    Back to school on this stuff, eh?


  8. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  9. Pingback: Freedom Folks
  10. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  11. Pingback: Mark My Words
  12. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  13. Pingback: Tel-Chai Nation

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