Small bytes

Well, while my Wonder Woman has a late gig at school (who schedules parent/family activity night on Valentine’s Day? Oh, right. School administrators: the stupidest people in the education establishment *sigh*), here are a few lil short takes:


Yeh, for those of you who are dropping in but still haven’t changed your blogrolls, take note. I mean you are here, so you do know the address has changed…


Just how bad is America’s Math Edcuation Pretty darned bad. As bad as America’s reading education, at least, and that’s in the toilet… just hasn’t been flushed yet as it has been elsewhere (in Britain, as per one of The Lost Posts from last week, it’s not just math and reading, the kids are getting dumber).

Islamist Bumper Stickers Some dry humor there. Another blogger who’s buckin’ for a fatwa.

Enter to Win a Legoâ„¢ PC–that actually works!

The Legoâ„¢ PC is an effort commissioned by PC Magazine and built by Nathan Sawaya Neat stuff.

Go read The Dragon of Upways Gorge. Ferdy needs to get Bruce to market his stories. Sure, they were written as kids’ stories, but it’d be useful to get ’em into Alan Greenspan’s hands, let alone into the hands of folks who could read them as bedtime stories to congresscritters…

News you’ll not hear from our Mass media podpeople: Scurrilous Is As Scurrilous Does: A Justice Primer

Nasty stuff that. Justice. Has no place in the faux left’s America–or world. To be avoided at all costs in the same manner as Truth.

Trenchant observations on memetic warfare at Armed and Dangerous: Gramscian damage

An interesting report on John Walker Lindh. It’s a view that doesn’t get much (any) press in our MMPA, so that lends it some cachet, but just because it’s contra the terrorist sympathizers in our media, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. More of the story will come out as time progresses, no doubt, that will enable folks to arrive at a sensible conclusion about this guy. I’m leaning toward thinking he’s scum, but then I think that about terrorist sympathizers in general.

Where Have you Gone Ronald Reagan has his own perspective on the Cheney hunting accident. Droll, dude. Oh, and be sure to load his front page and catch the Porky Pig post… LMAO.

More good shoot ’em up commentary from DL at TMH’s Bacon Bits. Targetting Mass Media Podpeople: Ready… Fire… Aim. Ahhh, wasn’t a lucky shot DL; you could just fire into the herd!

A lil lesson in econ 101 from Cracker over at The Wide Awakes. *shhh!* Don’t tell the politicians about this post. It’d take too long explaining the concepts in little bitty words, very, very sllllooooowwwwwllllyyyyy…

And one last thing. Be honest with me willya? How many of y’all did steal this?

Steal This Book: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Facsimile Edition

Steal This Book: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Facsimile Edition

Perspiring minds wanna know, even at The Conservative Cat.

9 Replies to “Small bytes”

  1. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits
  2. Woa, did I say there was a WP DB error? I was thinking it. Perhaps my ever-increasingly powerful mind powers were thinkin just that when I pinged you. See, I just KNEW you had a pbm with your DB.

    Damn, I’m wonderful. 😀 Sure don’t know how to fix it tho.

    And DL would ask me to thank you for the linkie luv if he were here. I think he’s cleaning his hunting rifle. No really, he’s going hunting soon. Really.

  3. Deebee erro *sigh* I’ll look into it. Has happened a coupla times and I’ve been too busy kicking aligators and stomping fires to drain the awamp…

    1.) Is DL going quail hunting?
    2.) You going with him?


  4. BTW, TMH, did you steal a copy of Abie’s book? I mean, not that you were outa short pants when it came out, but did ya kype a copy, anyway, prcocious as you undoubtedly were? (My Wonder Woman and I looked at each other when i asked this Q and both confessed our crimes… “But it said to steal it!” I pleaded, “And you know how I like to follow directions.” *heh*)

  5. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits

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