On the Record

First, not this well: I personally dislike Donald Trump and would avoid him if I happened across him in public (granted, EXTREMELY unlikely). I have my reasons and they are, perhaps, idiosyncratic.

But, let me be clear. Since I dislike and even disapprove of almost ALL politicians’ character and behavior, I only vote based on their policies and track record supporting those policies in and out of office. Voting based on liking or disliking a politician for personality reasons is an execrably stupid way to vote. It’s a classic ad hominem fallacy – no, not the “internet expert’s” definition, the real thing. So, on the record:

Biden’s record is one of CAUSING rampant inflation from the get go by DELIBERATELY hiking fuel prices, INCITING an immigration crisis, ENABLING a drug crisis (bumbling moron that he is), TURNING A BLIND EYE to a human trafficking crisis, a (INTENTIONALLY?) botched withdrawal from the Middle East, and an EXECRABLY lousy foreign policy regarding the Ukraine war and the problems in Gaza. And those are his ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

The above is quite apart from the fact that I utterly despise everything about Biden. My personal feelings about the scumbag have nothing to do with an honest assessment that he is an utter disaster as a president, even a dirty sock puppet president (which he is).

Trump’s record is that unemployment was at an all-time low, job creation was high, no new war started, energy independence, peace through strength, a fast track to getting a vaccine* for covid, extensive prison reform, education reform, stopping North Korea lobbing missiles over our heads via peaceful means, and strict attention to immigration law which strengthened national sovereignty.

Naturally, Dhimmicraps were adamantly opposed to every solid, beneficial accomplishment of DJT’s administration, and continue to be wittingly and adamantly opposed to ANYTHING that is for the good of the US and its citizens.

*vaccine? Such as it was; admittedly, out of the three choices available in the US as vaccines, one was a real one

BTW, I am thankful that the SCOTUS has gotten its collective head out of its ass recently and killed the absolutely WORST action DJT made while in office, the bumpstock ban, AND that DJT has recognized his error re: the Second Amendment (at least in public comments; we’ll have to see how that pans out in policy)

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