In recovery from my latest knee dislocation. Off crutches for a few days, now. Cane with knee brace. But. Walkin’ a bit weirdly. If I place the foot on my damaged knee side with the knee flexed quite a bit more than normal, the pain is decreased to “less than requiring naproxen sodium” levels. *heh* In order to keep a mostly even keel, that means elevating my heel ~4” and walking on the ball of my foot (still using cane for partial support).
Yeh, weird walkin;. Still, my new sock-shoes are very well suited to that gait. Like ’em.
Those look nice. I’m sorry about your knee. Those old injuries sure do come back to haunt us, heh? Get well soon ?
Well, the knee issue is decades old, but getting worse. Used to be that after a dislocation it’d be a couple of weeks to a month before I could walk normally. Now, it just takes a lot longer. If I had been wearing a brace when it happened (walking on a clear, flat floor, no obstructions, etc.), it would have been a minor inconvenience, since the brace would have GREATLY limited the dislocation.
Oh, well. I’ll be back to normal in time for the next time my knee slips sideways. *heh* I’m averse to corrective surgeries. Sure, orthopedics surgery has made great progress since I was a kid, but I’ve been living with the results of ortho surgeries for six decades now and have not yet warmed up to the field. . .