Do I have to comment?


Yeh, yeh: Dog bites man and the feds “spy” on citizens’ international communications.

ร‚ยกQuelle surprise!


I really, really did NOT want to give the latest LLMB/MMPA meme any ink (so I haven’t stated the meme-ish sound bite), but I’ve had several folks ask in email why I haven’t, so I’ll answer that here.

It’s not news. And it’s not the threat to our civil liberties that the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army would have us think. It was, as Michelle Malkin and others have pointed out, simply a means of

  1. pushing the Iraq elections out of headline space
  2. attempting (and apprently succeeding) to kill the Patriot Act
  3. shilling (in the lead article from the New York Slimes) a book, which I’ll not give any promo by even naming here.

And James, at Upsated, has the final (well, almost ๐Ÿ™‚ word:

“Do you think that your [sic] communication is private? Believe me when I say its [sic] not. With just a small amount of cash, I could monitor my entire town. From cellphones to hardlines, anybody with just a passing knowledge of the Telco industry could listen to everything you say. Hearing your so called private conversations is a snap.”

Yep. (And, BTW, you know that around 75% of the wireless networked computers in just about anyone’s neck of the woods are wide open to anyone who wants to browse them? People who don’t care enough about their privacy to close the doors-or at least close the curtains-shouldn’t “get frisky” on the living room floor… )

h.t. to Jo’s Cafe for the Upstated link.

10 Replies to “Do I have to comment?”

  1. R’cat: we need you writing dialog for Hollyweird. It’d be a big improvement over most of what HW has been turning out recently.

    (Oh, made me think: wandered through while Wonder Woman was watching the Warren Beatty/Annette Benning remake of “An Affair to Remember”. Lame. Was near the end, and neither WB not AB delivered their lines anywhere close to as well as the original…

    Of course.

    Anywho, thanks for rolling out the welcome wagon. Enjoyed the coffee (was that catnip I tasted/smelled? Interesting addition!).

  2. I’m lovinnnnnnn the new carpet and chandelier..woopah!..OK I’m turnin green
    with envyyyyyyyyy over here!…smacks mahself.
    Good luxxxxxxxxx David.
    Cat, c’mon over to mah digs to redecorate next eh?..grinz

  3. … What? Huh? Wasn’t *ME*!

    Um, unless you mean the smkoe stains and all the egg particles splattered around… Oh, and the crumbs all over the floor, the cat hair on the couch, and the catnip strewn acorr the kitchen counter…


    — R’cat

  4. I was gonna warn David from calling R’Cat an idiot, but then saw that it was R’Cat calling R’Cat an idiot.

    OK gig here, guyz!!! And I especially like the new color scheme, it’s fresh, vibrant, and pretty eco-friendly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have fun in your new sand box/kitchen/pub, y’all! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits

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