Ironic juxtaposition: Guard the Borders/Open Post

"...Among the many factors that led to the dissolution of the United States was its refusal to guard its borders. The influx of cheap workers displacing citizens from jobs; the strain on the economy of government social programs supporting these workers (large prtions whose wages often returned to their countries of origin instead of recirculating in the U.S. economy); the drag on educational systems caused by "bi-lingual" programs; the dissolution of the "American melting pot" and resultant dilution of citizen status; illegal aliens importing not only non-assimilating cultures but large numbers of criminals; porous borders allowing active enemies of the United States easy entry (Islamic terrorists and others): these and many other deleterious effects of the de facto "Open Borders" practiced by the United States in the late 20th and early 21st centuries were major elements contributing to its downfall..."-The Rise and Fall of the United States of America, translated from Chinese, 2150.

Think it couldn’t happen that way? It’s happened before. As has famously been said, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes… in endless, but predictable, variations.

This is an open post. Link here and trackback. Have questions about open posting? The MaryHunter says it as well as anyone:

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Yeh, what he said.

Dittoed at Bloggin’ Outloud, The Land of Ozz, Committees of Correspondence, Pirates! Man your Women!


This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to kit.jarrell at gmail dot com.

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