Sidebar: I avoid terms like “gun rights,” because the real issue is the inherent right of every individual to defend one’s own life and limb against an aggressor (individual or group) doing or threatening to do harm, and to defend his loved ones and the otherwise defenseless innocent from the same. Guns are just one of many tools (excellent and effective tools, indeed often the best of tools, but one of many) for effecting legitimate self-defense.
I also do not like the terms “constitutional rights” or “2nd Amendment right” for similar reasons, but expanding to include the fact that those rights which arementioned in the constitution are mentioned only to prevent infringement of those rights by the federal government.
I think you know where I stand on this subject.
Rights come from God, at least true rights do.
If they come from government or society, they aren’t rights.
Indeed, Perri. Rights are “endowed by their Creator,” and not subject to abrogation by any other source, as even Deists among the Founders recognized, viz.,
“The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. The hand of force may destroy but cannot disjoin them.”
Yes, I did change the object of “their” above, but it still works properly because not only are we created by Him but rights are created by Him as well.