Making New Habits

Apropos of nothing in particular, I am greatly encouraged that “instinctive shooting” works the same for me whether I shoot right- or lefthanded. Nice. . . as long as my right eye (dominant eye) remains good and my left eye stays pretty much in the same relation, between them, my binocular vision allows me to acquire my target well w/o focusing my sight on the. . . urm sights, just by focusing my eyes on my target and maintaining a proper grip alignment. It’s the latter that’s a bit more difficult for my lefthanded shooting. Just needs more drill. So, drill, baby, drill. *heh*

Good Practice. . . and Fortuitous Discovery

Demands on time and $$ have pretty well dictated limited range time. VERY limited range time. *sigh* Therefore,

Dry fire practice does aid in target acquisition and training for best handling, though only live fire can really lock skills in definitively. Still, when needs drive. . .

On a side note: I discovered that a lil antique (well, according to the standard, RW definition of “antique”—more than 100 years old—though not the stupid ATF definition) firearm I was given quite some years ago, can easily and very safely accommodate more powerful ammunition than that which came with it. In fact, it was designed and manufactured for more powerful ammunition, and has checked out as being in top condition. So. . . graduating from plinking and small game to small-medium game. Now, I just need to get to the range. . . *sigh*

I had wondered for years about the chamber length as opposed to the ammunition I was gifted to use with it. . . Been using the “wrong” (though perfectly safe and usable) stuff for years. No wonder there was so much chamber fouling. (Not a bad thing, really, since I like the aroma of Hoppes. ?)

Quick Mini-Tip

Lil mini-tip: So, ya reached for a pencil to mark your cut and. . . where’d the dang thing go?!? Oh, well, either waste time looking for it, or pull a round from one of your speedloaders or mags and mark that board. Simple, right? A nice lil time-saver.

Handy Tip

You know how you can tell a so-called “conspiracy theorist” is “carrying concealed,” don’t you? Yeh, you cannot see their weapon, therefore it is concealed, right? *heh*


2nd Amendment Stuff

For those of y’all who are willing to spend several hundred dollars for a good suppressor and pay protection money to the criminal ATF to simply possess it, BUT, for whatever reason, do not want to modify a perfectly good firearm to accept a suppressor, this may be an option for you:

Custom Clamp-On Threaded Adapter

Maybe not so easily used on many pistols, but it looks as though it would be quite easily installed on rifles.


Every time I lock a firearm inside my car before entering the post office, I feel like a quisling. *sigh* You’d think, “. . .the right of the people to keep AND BEAR Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” would ESPECIALLY apply to federally-associated locations, but no. *sigh*

Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire. . .

Laid up with bum knee, but am making a bit of progress in a couple of areas anyway. One is more than just fun. Pistol work: dry fire exercises. Converted my aiming practice to “instinctive aiming” by working on my grip. With a better grip, I am now having success in simply pointing my practice handgun where I am looking. I started by doing that and then checking my sights and aim point with my dominant eye. Check. Then single-action (cock-aim-“fire”) checking my aim throughout (before and during trigger pull). Then, double-action.

Proper two-hand grip: quickest consistent successes. Dominant hand only: also came along quickly, just not as quickly as two hands. Off-hand: surprised me. Came along as quickly as my dominant hand.

Fun part: when I’m alone in the house I can imagine anything as “targets” and service them. Usually it’s sitting or standing still (because of knee), but even though I move with a cane in my strong hand, my off hand can still practice dry firing while moving. (Or, I can stop, use my dominant hand, then move again.)

Sure, it’s not as good as firing rounds at the range, but it’s drilling new muscle memory in so-called “instinctive shooting,” so I count it as good enough for my current circumstances. I’m eager to see how this affects live fire practice with this lil handgun.

If the “Feddle Government” Were to EVER Abide by the Constitution. . .

What the feebs don’t want you to realize – and what they constantly lie about – is that the 2nd Amendment forbids them from interfering with your collection (keeping) of any and ALL arms of all kinds. They REALLY do not want citizens to require a strict enforcement of the 2nd Amendment (thus saying goodbye to ALL feeb infringements).

But I’ll not live to see the day the feebs relinquish their tyrannical infringements (of ALL kinds, not just as applies to arms). The closest thing to eternal in this life is illegitimate government powers. Oh, well, “. . .it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

Interesting Training Aid

I like. Where this (and other sims) fall short is haptic feedback. Still probably useful, though, as a step up from dry fire exercises and, long term, perhaps less expensive than spending tons of ammunition for completely realistic (because, REAL *heh*) experience at the range or in the field. Out of my comfort zone for $$ expenditure, though. $$ better spent on more RW equipment in my case.

Gaim training Sim hardware/software