Now, I’m Not a ‘Gun Nut,’ but. . .

. . .all the ignorant, emotional, lie-filled arguments by anti-gun, anarcho-tyrannist statists and wild, slavering, stupid calls for gun confiscation kinda irk me. In light of that, here: a .30-caliber, DIY, fully-automatic air rifle.

Make it in your garage. Completely unregulated, as far as I know, in any of the federal firearms laws, because: air rifle. It is not a firearm.

And that’s just if someone doesn’t decide to get their hands on various pieces of low-quality steel and emulate third world home “gunsmiths” the world around and manufacture themselves an AK-47, since it was designed for ease of low-tech reproduction, of download any one of the widespread sets of plans for making one’s own AR-15, go out along the highway collecting aluminum cans, forge and machine a receiver, etc.

Yeh, that very thing has been done by some guy in his own garage and back yard.

Idiots just irk me, and these willfully stupid, electively-ignorant, anti-gun, anarcho-tyrannist statists wildly screaming for gun confiscation, are just that: self-made idiots.

Oh, the “I’m not a gun nut” comment? Currently, entire “arsenal” consists of an 89-year-old revolver. I’d be happy with a couple more firearms, but right now, I just do not need them, and the lil revolver is enough for my current use. This is only possible, because I live in a county that is about as safe as Switzerland, probably because most folks are armed. *heh*

But.. . I will admit I am a “knife nut.” “Never bring a gun to a knife fight” might be something I would think, and even say. . . *heh* OK, just kidding. It’s always good to have both at hand in a “bad actor” scenario, but at or within arm’s length, I’m MUCH more likely to do serious damage with a knife, even with my teensy lil Spyderco Squeak Sprint1, a really, really small knife.

1Thanks again to my Estimable Son-in-Law. I use this knife–and those given to me by Son & Heir–daily, many many times daily.

3 Replies to “Now, I’m Not a ‘Gun Nut,’ but. . .”

  1. It’s amazing to me (OK, it’s not really. I’m not a complete idiot.) that so many people think that guns are the problem. Take away guns and people will use knives. Or rocks, Or fists, ropes, candlesticks, lead pipes, sharpened sticks, or even pillows or the flowers, barks, and heavy metals.

    God gave mankind powerful minds and ingenuity (despite the self enstupiation of many). Is it any wonder that in a world corrupted by sin and full of hatred toward God that we who are members of the clan wherein “there is none righteous, no not even one” that we turn that ingenuity into ways to destroy one another?

    I thank God for the gun. It makes it so much easier to defend my life and my family from men of all stripes that would seek our harm. It’s not perfect, and the arms race will continue until the Lord returns, but it does help to level the killing field.

    1. A teen-eintsy wee bit more thought going into the amazing self-enstupiation of so many on the “anti-gun-nut” front:

      The wholesale delusion held by anti-gun-nuts (who are also anti-self-defense, pro government possession and use of guns, anti-police use of guns, and every other irrational or self-contradictory idea they can imagine) is their raison d’être, and without it they seem to fear complete loss in existential nothingness. Seriously: for many of these folks, without these delusions to hold onto they have nothing, and the unthinking masses of sheep that bleet along with them are empty ciphers, lacking rational existence.

      I have a healthy (I believe) respect for the destructive power of a gun in the hands of a bad actor. That “healthy respect” would be much closer to real fear in the case of confrontation by a bad actor with a knife. NO ONE exits unwounded from a knife fight, and less than half as many folks stabbed/cut in a knife attack survive as against those who survive gunshot wounds. Knives are, wound for wound, MUCH more deadly than guns.

      And yet, even before open carry and concealed carry of firearms became (almost) universally allowed in my state, I regularly carried (and still do) multiples of deadly weapons on my person. . . that are not legally designated as such, because: legal length pocket knives, etc.

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