Upgrade Denial

Mixed house: Windoze, Linux, Android, etc. “Upgrades” of Windoze boxes? *shrugs* Eventually, Win10. . . maybe (with some more being transitioned to a ‘nix OS). I’ll probably keep one computer at Win7(Pro) for aye, simply because it’s my current “Freecell zen” box with 7700 wins/0 losses. Yeh, yeh, I could copy the score over to another box (I think it’s just a registry key, IIRC) or even a VM, but the compy’s really only good for “Freecell zen” and light web browsing, anyway, so. . . Anywho. . . after the first few thousand games of Freecell even a slow learner like me starts to notice, semi-unconsciously, the same games coming up again and again. Makes it even easier to zone out and play mindlessly.

I had an earlier Windoze 2000(Pro) box with well over 10,000-to-0 racked up, but that became a Linux box, then morphed into a PC-BSD box, then finally got shuffled off into a corner.

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