My Greenish Thumb

Nice to see my Wonder Woman’s houseplants make a comeback from a Winter of Cat Destructo action, simply from being put outside (some in shade, indirect light, some out in the open). A few months of “thriving in the wild” (nope, even when I did this last year, no supplemental watering) seems to do them wonders.

My “tire-augmented” hugekultur compost bed/garden seems to be doing well. Flowers blooming and HUGE jalapeno plants grown from seed (flowering and already producing peppers) seem to testify to the worth of putting in the little extra to build the thing. Ease of weeding is also a plus. Now that everything’s up and thriving, mulch to come. Expanding this concept in the back yard. . .

The grass is growing so fast this year, I’ve only had one chance to use my fav mower–the chain-driven Fiskars reel mower–a real joy to mow with, but nothing over 6”. When rain keeps the mowing to one day a week (or my aching back–see below–says, “Another day, my friend”) 6” comes pretty quickly. Oh, well. At least it gives me more grass clippings to “drunk compost” when I have to use the gas mower. Hate all the noise, fumes and crap it stirs up in the air. At least I can wear hearing protection and a dust mask. *shrugs* It still looks scalped, not cut, but that’s a rotary mower for ya.

Gas mower doesn’t adjust handle height like the Fiskars does, though, so I always have to mow hunched over a bit. That’s a pain in the back (actually, I have a much lower opinion of that, IYKWIMAITTYD 😉 ). Still, I tell myself, “Grass clippings. Compost. Deal with it.”

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