4 Replies to “Choose One (of Two) or Shut Up”

  1. Really? What if I fill in the blank with “none of your business”? I think that is a perfectly good answer to a great number of such questions…

    What is your gender?
    What is your race?
    What is your mother’s favorite color?
    What did you pack in your children’s lunch?
    Do your parents own a gun?
    Coke or Pepsi?

    1. I once replied on a form for a job I had decided I did not want with an asterisk at the sex question and below. . .

      *only with my wife, thank you.

    1. Still, folks who think (although that’s a dubious use of “think”) they are something other than male or female had better have the body parts and genetics to back up their claim or reveal themselves to be morons.

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