I Wouldn’t Exactly Shout “Crucify Him!”

. . .though his embrace of the “messiah” title a few years ago might make that seem appropriate, and I suppose *sigh* that drawing and quartering are right out the window (that pesky Eighth Amendment), but. . .

IF the outbreaks of enterovirus sweeping the country can be and are traced back to illegals encouraged to enter and allowed to stay by executive action in violation of immigration law, then wouldn’t it be a Good Thing for suit to be brought by the various states (and individuals; class action, perhaps) affected against the administration seeking relief from damages? And would it not be just and proper to press for the voiding of qualified immunity for individuals whose ILLEGAL actions led to the outbreak (if the above linkage could be demonstrated) in order that they might be held personally responsible and punitive damages sought against them as individuals, all the way to the White House?

These suits could then be followed by prison and terms on chain gangs making little rocks from big ones. For life. In lieu of execution for treason.

Flogging, tarring and feathering would just be icing on the cake.

2 Replies to “I Wouldn’t Exactly Shout “Crucify Him!””

    1. But we know Holder’s (IN)justice Department, along with all the rest of the nomenklatura in King Putz’s pocket, is COMPLETELY impartial and dedicated to honoring the Constitution and enforcing the laws of the land, so we have nothing to worry about.

      sarc /off

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