No, it’s not your eyes, and no, it’s not the camera, and nor is it my pathetic photog “skilz” (though pathetic is an accurate term *heh*). Caught this guy moving in for yet another head-butt. He’s the head-buttingest cat I’ve ever known.
A better pose (on the back of my Wonder Woman’s chair):
And another, same chair:
Annnnd. . . in the bay window. No, the basket’s not really too small for him. He just seems to prefer crowding himself up into as small a ball as possible.
Used to have one that would head butt after getting a running start. About knocked your teeth out. 🙂 He’s a pretty thing. I like the light yellow ones.
Yeh, this guy’s a pistol. Plays fetch, is mouthy as all get-out when he wants attention, a good buddy with visitors (like Lovely Daughter’s cat who’s an on-again-off-again boarder during the trips she and her husband make, as well as being generally well-behaved around human visitors). Just realized today that he’s passed the 12-year mark. *shrugs* He’s always seemed young, and here he is middle-aged.