Streaming TV

Seriously considering dropping the TV portion of our cable service. Oh, my Wonder Woman would have to delay watching some of her shows–on Hulu or some such. But for the most part, the TV I’ve been enjoying recently has been stuff streamed on Amazon Prime (*whispered* or downloaded from YouTube *heh*) like Top Gear or various BBC “cop” shows or Amazon’s offering of “Under the Dome”–a new episode each Friday*.

Mostly, my leisure “entertainment” budget (time and $$) is consumed by books, but it’s nice to have a wide variety of interesting TV, movies, etc. The only thing is watching my bandwidth consumption, since my cable provider has put a cap on all users–yeh, different caps for home and business users, but caps all the same.

*Yeh, it’s a CBS show, and I don’t watch CBS, but since it’s w/o the commercials and CBS doesn’t get my bandwidth, I’m letting this one slide by my boycott (of not watching CBS). Gray area. *heh*

2 Replies to “Streaming TV”

  1. Yeah, I’ve been trying to convince the husband that we need to drop UVerse and just use Hulu, Netflix and ITunes. So we get a season behind on stuff. Meh. Sure would save a lot of money. Problem for him is that he wants the option to just flip channels and watch crap late at night before he goes to bed. Sigh.

    1. Generally, I just do a search of Amazon Prime when I want to “flip channels”. I can generally find much more interesting things that way. YMMV, of course, but I used to channel flip and just got tired of wasting all that time. It helps that I have NO interest in watching someone else play a sport while I sit on my a$$ and have even less interest–if that’s even possible–in watching/listening to some Mass MEdia Podperson lie to me on propaganda shows deceptively advertised as “news”. Give me some interesting program that increases my knowledge (unlike the “Conspiracy Channel”–the least problematic pseudonym for the disingenuously-labeled “History Channel” or the even more stupid “Discovery Channel”) or has an interesting story–plot, characters, etc.

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