Opera Software Tells Its Longtime Users to Pi$$ Up a Rope

[One wag who viewed this–but who did not comment here; what’s up with that?!?–commented that at least Opera isn’t telling longtime, faithful users to pi$$ into the wind. . . Yeh, funny. Almost]

Opera 15 is out–a three-step jump from 12.16–and it sucks dead bunnies through a straw and explosively sharts them out.


80% of the cool features that differentiated Opera from run-of-the-mill browsers like, well, ALL the other browsers, are *pft!* gone! In place of the almost infinitely customizable, tweakable, full-featured browser that was the joy of its faithful users, it’s now a dumbed-down version of. . . Google Chrome! Yep. Despite two (or maybe three) new “features” which are better suited to a Fischer-Price “My First Computer” user, the new Opera 15 is actually less functional than Chrome, of all things! Chrome! The previous fav of users who belong in Assisted Computing Facilities (“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click FOR you. . . “) Heck, it’s an even worse browser now than Internet Exploder! Worse than Internet Exploder 10 on Win8!!!


A list of features and capabilities present in Opera 12.1 and absent in Opera 15 is just too long and depressing to catalog. It’s as though Opera Software ASA has decided that its only hope for expansion–nay! for survival!–is to cater to a market segment with an average IQ of 80 and the attention span of an ADHD toddler on crack cocaine.

Other than that, it’s juuuust fine. . . *gagamaggot*

4 Replies to “Opera Software Tells Its Longtime Users to Pi$$ Up a Rope”

  1. On XP Opera 12.16 tells me it is the most up to date. Presumably your are on Win 7 or even 8. I’ve gone back to Firefox. IE in all its forms crawls along like a centipede with 98 wooden legs.

    1. Yes, I tested Opera 15 on both Win7 and Win8. *yech* I still use 12.16 for my normal browser. O15 installs, by default, in an entirely new folder; it doesn’t actually “upgrade” previous versions. I’m quite satisfied with Opera 12.16,aside from its stubborn refusal to allow me to set the default search engine to anything but one of the pre-selected search providers. That I can live with. Firefox is less appealing to me than Opera 12.16 (or even *gagamaggot* O15). Horse races and all that. YMMV, obviously.

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