On NOT Slandering the “Prophet” of Islam

(Just don’t do it. Nope. Don’t.)

During his UN speech when he once again asserted a causative link between a Youtube video and the murder of four Americans, The Zero uttered these infamous words,



The good thing about this is that one can point out that, according to Islam’s OWN so-called “holy” texts, their (mythical? Some serious scholars say so. *shrugs* Who knows… or cares?) “prophet” was a mass murderer, rapist, pedophile, liar, oath-breaker, torturer, slaver, and thief. And not only was he all those things, but he commanded his followers to emulate those behaviors.


So, it’d be really, really hard to slander Mohamed, the Butcher of Medina, unless one were to say he was the offspring of a rabid dog raping a syphilitic sow.

(Do notice the subjunctive mood indicating that I did NOT say Mohamed was the offspring of a rabid dog raping a syphilitic sow, because the subjunctive mood construction indicates the citation of an event that did not occur–that NON-event being the uttering of a claim that Mohamed was the offspring of a rabid dog raping a syphilitic sow–a claim I did not make. Of course, if someone were to bring DNA evidence forward… )

2 Replies to “On NOT Slandering the “Prophet” of Islam”

  1. What? No DNA evidence? *sigh* OK. I’ll just take the cookie. *heh*

    Yeh, Mohamed (if he existed) definitely qualifies as a false prophet. S’all right. He’s in Hell now, reviewing his sins. Sadly, he has a lot of followers with him and many, many more to follow.

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