“…The Age of Knowing How to Do Things”

The post title is the “hook” of a commercial I just saw for some sort of erectile dysfunction drug I’ve forgotten (never even saw) because of the hook and the setting. You see, the premise was that the featured guy in the ad knew how to get his truck out of a mud wallow he’d driven into. Problem was, he didn’t know jack shit about how to drive his truck, hauling the horse trailer, because he drove right into the mud wallow he got stuck in instead of driving on the high spots on the two-track he was on.

Ignorant dumbass. The hook should have been, “The age of not even knowing jack shit.” Knowing how to cause oneself to get stuck in the first place trumps knowing how to get oneself out of a mud wallow once one screws up–out of ignorance and stupidity–and gets oneself stuck.

Anywho… The huge disconnect between the ad’s hook and the circumstances completely destroyed any suspension of disbelief, killed any hope of me actually watching enough of the thing to actually hear the name of the drug.

(Of course, it’s the stupid ad writer who doesn’t know jack shit.)

BTW, if one doesn’t already KNOW to avoid driving a vehicle–especially while pulling a trailer–it helps to not be stupid and to actually think about one’s driving…

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