6 Replies to “*Gabberflasted* Who is Chang and Why Do You Believe in Him, Anyway?”

    1. Yeh, the guy may “be live” (not going to bet the farm on that one, though) but “he ain’t got no smarts” (bless his heart *heh*). A 10-year-old cracked crock of spoiled kimchi could probably wax his ass in Jeopardy or even just Scrabble…

  1. If you have to ask that question, then I guess you’re not a fan of “Community”.

    Short answer: a psychotic Chinese Spanish teacher with delusions of grandeur.

    1. I can recall when the United Negro College Fund used “A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” as its catch phrase. Sadly, it seems few in the current “black community” thinks that any more…

      (OK, perhaps I should say, “Few of the vocal and visible ‘leadership’ in the black community… “ )

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