Now, Isn’t That Special?

OK, so marble backsplash essentially finished in the kitchen. Sure, lil niggling things left–pickling the trim and a few lil touchups. Piddlin’ stuff. So, my Wonder Woman looked at it as it was progressing last week and brought out the paint samples. *sigh* OK, OK: buy paint; hold in reserve until backsplash finished and… oh, wait, that’s pretty much now.

So… applied paint to walls (starting with one half of wall from backsplash to ceiling, 2′ wide and then door to the laundry room & pantry and past that the door to the garage). Oh. Joy.


On the wall, great coverage, but. Yeh, doesn’t look like the paint sample OR like the paint dried on the can. *huh?!?* Waited for drying. Another coat. Nope. Same. Not the “Cafe au lait” we (she *heh*) wanted but a kind of light pea greenish/brown. Not right.

Will have to shop around for a fix, I think, but just not this week.

Oh, the trim color we bought for the door trim and molding? Works. Looks pretty good.

I am so looking forward to repainting the thing again in a couple of weeks. Not. Masking, removing things from walls–including the pot rack and everything stored on/in it–and all the rolling and brushing and cleaning up, oh my.

Something to look forward to, for sure.

Tomorrow evening: sanding the backs of a bunch of (extra) marble tiles to harvest some marble dust for use in another kitchen project. *sing-song* “I’ll never tell… ” (Though of course I probably will)

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