3 Replies to “Racists”

  1. I’ve been accused of being a racist simply because I think that you can’t end racial discrimination by discriminating based upon race… but then I have a lot of outdated ideas.
    And I’ve been called a hater because I don’t actively support the things I don’t believe in.
    I think it’s all hooey. The real differences between us aren’t race or bigotry – it’s common sense and reason vs. the lack of them that separates us from the people that call us racists.

  2. “Generational theft”. That about sums it up. And it started before we were born. I think the “$50,000” figure these kids quote is wrong though.

    Sure, the national debt just hit 15 trillion, or about 41,000 for every man woman and child in the country. But that debt is growing at a rate of about 1.5 trillion a year, with no end in sight. In just ten years it will be 82,000 per person. And that’s likely to be the case even if Obama is defeated in 2012.

    1. Passing this debt off to generations yet unborn is indeed “taxation without representation,” for those unborn had NO voice in the debt they will be called upon to pay.

      Governments should be “pay-as-you go” operations, period, dot, full stop, with NO provisions for borrowing except in cases of a COMPLETELY defensive war. Any foreign adventures ought to both be funded in advance and generate a net profit return. The Iraq Adventure is a case in point. This “democracy building” crap should be canned and in its place a more rational approach enacted. We’re there; we broke it; we ought to fix it. As I said years ago, partition the country and leave enough US forces on site to enforce the partitions (likely 3) and to effectively guard the oil fields and delivery systems. Pump that stuff and sell it on the open market at $20/barrel with half going to be shared out among the Sunnis, the Shiites and the (mostly) Sunni (flavored by Yazid) Kurds, and the US (to pay for the security). Hire companies of the different factions to train and equip as “legionnaires” and serve as auxiliary security.

      Make it a net profit center for the military. Sell the $20/barrel oil EXCLUSIVELY to US and ACTIVE US SUPPORTERS.

      Screw the Saudis and their ilk.

      Any President/Congress that enacted such a program just relating to Iraq alone would find overwhelming support among all segments of the US population save for oil speculators; the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind; pseudo-intellectual, duckfard Academia Nut Fruitcakes; libtard politicians *spit-gag* who are on the outs; and other such dumbasses and traitors to the Republic.

      Yeh, yeh, it’d kill Canadian/ND shale oil. Who cares? Relatively cheap oil would make up those jobs in no time for the US and I DGARA about Canadians. Let them eat cake (or sell their expensive shale oil to a shrinking oil market in China).

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