Stopped Clocks, Blind Pigs and All That

Now, we can add radical leftists to the list of improbable stumblers-upon-truth:

The level of anger and fear is like nothing I can compare in my lifetime. Ridiculing the tea party shenanigans is a serious error. For over 30 years, real incomes have stagnated or declined…The bankers, who are primarily responsible for the crisis, are now reveling in record bonuses while official unemployment is around 10 percent and unemployment in the manufacturing sector is at Depression-era levels. The financial industry preferred Obama to McCain. They expected to be rewarded and they were. Then Obama began to criticize greedy bankers and proposed measures to regulate them. And the punishment for this was very swift: they were going to shift their money to the Republicans. So Obama said bankers are ‘fine guys’ and assured the business world: ‘I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.’ People see that and are not happy about it. People want some answers. They are hearing answers from only one place: Fox, talk radio, and Sarah Palin.

And what radical right-wing “tea bagger” terrorist said that? Noam Chomsky

I understand that Satan’s breaking out his long underwear.

While he was at it, Chomsky said a few other surprising–for a radical leftwing “intellectual” (yes, scare quotes around intellectual in reference to Chomsky’s retarded, reactionary excuses for advancing his socialist agenda. His legitimate contributions to linguistics are another very different story). Notably, taking note of all the swooning over The Ø!’s rhetoric,

“I’m just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler’s speeches on the radio, and I have a memory of the texture and the tone of the cheering mobs, and I have the dread sense of the dark clouds of fascism gathering…”

Yep, just another radical right-wing “tea bagger” racist spewing hate at a café au lait cyanide-laced Oreo in the White House. Noam Chomsky, of all people.

2 Replies to “Stopped Clocks, Blind Pigs and All That”

  1. Don’t you just hate it when people are right for all the wrong reasons? Mr. Chomsky is right that the current administration is hypocritical. He’s also right about the cult of personality surrounding our President and the likely consequences of it.

    Still, I note that he blames the bankers for the current economic situation and that’s pretty much disingenuous. But then Mr. Chomsky has never really been a fan of capitalism himself. He too would rather demonize the bankers for turning their situations around and making a profit. He repeats the canard about “record bonuses” when many in the financial industry have not taken large bonuses at all. Some industry leaders have even taken their bonuses in the form of stock options that cannot be exercised for several years, and which will be worthless if the businesses they run fail to turn a profit. Other industry leaders have chosen to take no compensation whatsoever except for their limited bonuses.

    Even when he stumbles upon the truth it’s only to fall into the mud of deception and lies. It sounds to me like Mr. Chomsky is really just interested in the left continuing to hold power and trying to advise the left about dangerous approaches to acquiring and holding power.

    1. ” It sounds to me like Mr. Chomsky is really just interested in the left continuing to hold power and trying to advise the left about dangerous approaches to acquiring and holding power.”

      Yep, sometimes the blind pig does find the acorn, but for some inexplicable reason thinks it’s an apple or peach or even his Great Aunt Sadie’s bumbershoot…

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