Hitler Was an Anti-smoking Vegetarian

He was also a rampant, flaming… socialist. Does this mean that all anti-smoking vegetarians–not to mention socialists–are evil? No, but it does give one justification for looking just a bit slaunchwise at ’em. Especially the socialists.


Also note: FYI: Hitler Was A Socialist Thanks for reminding me of that post, Woody.

4 Replies to “Hitler Was an Anti-smoking Vegetarian”

    1. “Might warrant a link on my previous post on this topic”

      Indeed. Also included in the original post, in case folks don’t CLICK through to the post page from the front page.

    1. Woody, The squirrel is running as fast as it can, but the bearings in its lil exercise wheel are rusted and in need of oil. (That is, thanks for the explanation, but I still think I ought to have recalled your post and linked to it. Maybe cos the squirrel’s exercise wheel still needs oiling/bearings replaced… )

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