Barack Hussein Obama: the Affirmative Action Presidential Candidate

Affirmative action is that process of conferring racial preference for a job candidate without regard to their ability to actually perform the job well. It’s a fundamentally condescending, paternalistic, racist assuaging of false white guilt as normally applied in giving preference to unqualified job candidates who are “people of color” or members of otherwise officially-designated so-called “minority” groups.

And that pretty well describes The Obamassiah’s candidacy. By any measure, he’s the least-qualified person in the race, based on experience and accomplishment alone. His record of past behavior and alliances (NOT “associations” but full-fledged, intimately working together alliances) with open racists, communists and felons would be automatic disqualifiers in any other candidate, while his lack of accomplishment in any field other than running for office (counting his first couple of races where his most notable accomplishments were getting other candidates thrown off the ballot) are nil.

Heck, in the last century, even Dhimmi Kahtah was more qualified to serve as president.

The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s treatment of The Obamassiah’s candidacy reads like a CYA human resources glowing report of an affirmative action job candidate, filled with code words that all say nothing but “HE’S BLACK; WE HAVE TO HIRE HIM!”

Thomas Sowell takes a slighly different tack to my assessment in a recent column, “Believers in Barack,” wherein he focuses on folks who close their eyes to facts, planning instead to vote with blind feeling as their motivation. But either assessment depends upon overlooking his disqualifiers and inflating his accomplishments past any reason.

And then there are those who support him precisely because he is a Marxist and crypto-Islamist “Mansourian Candidate“.

The Obamassiah: the candidate for racists, Holocaust-lovers and unthinking loons.

He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a racist. He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a Jew-hater. He’s not even the first presidential candidate to be a Marxist. But as far as I can tell, he’s the first presidential candidate to be all three AND be presented by a major political party.

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