Don’t Even Think About It…

Reason could be seriously life-threatening. No, seriously. After all, some folks want to charge reasonable people with the “crime” of “global warming denial” don’t they? How far away can we really be from a new Inquisition by The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming? Auto da fé, anyone? (Even if the Boston Glob has so far avoided viewing such as reasonable, The Goracle seems to be in line with the UNthinking on punishing opponents of his global warming scam.)

“Don’t you realize how badly you can damage a perfectly good preconception or assumption if you insist on thinking about it… “

Please! Whatever you do, do NOT let politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, members of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming or any other of that grab bag of babbling ninnes catch you thinking! Why! They’ll make Harrison Bergeron look like a lucky, lucky young man indeed when they’ve finished with you!


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17 Replies to “Don’t Even Think About It…”

  1. “Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains.”

    Something like that will probably become mandatory punishment for us “deniers” as soon as the Goracle and his disciples can figure out how to implement it.

  2. Quite likely so, Perri… or worse.

    (BTW, “Harrison Bergeron”–along with maybe a couple of other efforts–earns Vonnegut a pass from me for all the other unreadable crap he wrote. It truly seems to be very nearly confirmed as an unfortuately prophetic dystopian story. *sigh*)

  3. Pingback: Shadowscope
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  6. Hi David. How have you been? Do you know the name of the guy who came up with the model in 1995 to measure carbon dioxide? He has come out and completely exonerated those of us who refuse to be led around by the nose. I’m pretty sure it was him. He made the model for the UN (?). Now he says he did not allow for any other elements. I guess he’s been reading our posts. 😉

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