“Enormously Smaller”

I read the expression that makes up this post’s title in a snippet of dialog recently and it struck me that an apparent oxymoron (there’s another word for this specific kind of construction that slips my mind right now–any reminders?) can sometimes contain much, much more than a kernel of truth, often more easily than more accurate but also more cumbersome expressions might do. “Enormously smaller” is a silly expression on its face, but coupled with only minimal imagination is much more expressive (and more easily said) than “smaller by several orders of magnitude,” which does make more sense, but has much less emotional appeal, less punch.

One of the applications of “enormously smaller” that springs to mind is the “emormously smaller” intellects and moral fiber of those who eagerly lap up the poisons spewed out by faux liberals on both sides of the largely nonexistant political (non)divide between Dhimmicraps and Repugnican’ts such as Juan Mexicain and The Obamassiah. (The only real differences between Juan Mexicain and The Obamassiah I can see are very slight differences in the speed at which their affirmed positions would drive this country to ruin. Slight differences with no substantial wedge between Devil #1 and Devil #2. Vote for the Uniparty! *sigh*)

Of course, Juan Mexicain and The Obamassiah are only representative examples of their respective portions of The Uniparty, nowadays. “Fringe” elements who might actually believe the Constitution–no, not what some politicians *spit* or guys playing “Illuminatti Keno” in black robes say is the Constitution: the real thing–still has some real validity are just that: fringers.


No, it really does take people with “enormously smaller” (or “hugely tiny” *heh*) mental abilities and/or moral faculties to embrace the destrution of the republic simply because the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind tells them to.

5 Replies to ““Enormously Smaller””

  1. It really is unbelievable to see all that attention which was spawned on Obama. I do not believe, and correct me if I a wrong, but as I was saying – I do not believe Merkel herself drew crowds like Obama “HUSSEIN” did. That is scary!

    The self-proclaimed [m]essiah is a real sham and I truly believe in the end he will fizzle out. Did you hear him speak there?

    My G-d he is not even intelligent let alone articulate. I do not see anything good in this man. What a pitty people are so duped and I mean duped David.

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