Don’t Even Think About It…

Reason could be seriously life-threatening. No, seriously. After all, some folks want to charge reasonable people with the “crime” of “global warming denial” don’t they? How far away can we really be from a new Inquisition by The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming? Auto da fé, anyone? (Even if the Boston Glob has so far avoided viewing such as reasonable, The Goracle seems to be in line with the UNthinking on punishing opponents of his global warming scam.)

“Don’t you realize how badly you can damage a perfectly good preconception or assumption if you insist on thinking about it… “

Please! Whatever you do, do NOT let politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, members of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming or any other of that grab bag of babbling ninnes catch you thinking! Why! They’ll make Harrison Bergeron look like a lucky, lucky young man indeed when they’ve finished with you!


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Voodoo “Science”

One of the problems that the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming (and its newly christened scientifictional dogma of anthropogenic global changism) keeps on running into time and again is that its predictions always fail. Always. What the “chuch” seems to have forgotten is some basic principles of experimental demonstration of theories, specifically,

‘The best scale for an experiment is ten millimeters to the centimeter!’


Instead, the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming tends to rely on pretty pictures and graphs generated by whoo-whoo computer models that defy common protocols of scientific practice, common sense and simple honesty.

No wonder its predictions, like other wackos who have been foretelling doom since the founding of the human race, have been crackers from the start.

(Now sitting in my office “enjoying” the first truly seasonal temperatures of the year–s’all right. I’m quite comfy with simply an old AS400 cooling fan turned on me. 🙂 It’s 86 degrees Fahrenheit outside, right now–that’s 30 degrees Celsius for you Europeans out there–just a wee tad milder than the third week in July usually is in these parts. Simply reflects a major global cooling trend that’s been happening for the past eighteen months. “Global warming” my hinky &^%$ @$$.)

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, , The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, and , thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Here’s Some Spit in the Global Warmists’ Eyes

Anyone remember the Maunder Minimum? (If so, you’re a bit older than I am, and I know dirt I call “young fella” *heh*)

“Sunspots May Vanish by 2015”

From the first link above,

The Maunder minimum is the name given to a period of extreme solar inactivity that occurred between 1645 and 1710. Of particular interest is that this period of inactivity corresponds closely to one of the coldest periods of the so-called “Little Ice Age” in Europe, a time of long, cold winters that caused severe hardships in the pre-industrial revolution world. This has led scientists to extensively study the possible influences of solar activity on terrestrial climate, as well as examine other stars for evidence of activity cycle behavior similar to the Sun’s.

If, as the paper noted at the second link suggests, we are entering another period of relatively major solar inactivity, all the resources being wasted on The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming’s assault upon civilization (assault upon reason, even) will be hard cheese indeed to our progeny.

After all, the nut of

Examinations of the solar activity cycle and the unusually cold weather of the Maunder minimum period have spurred significant controversy among astronomers, atmospheric scientists, and climatologists. The period from about 1300-1715 is known as the “Little Ice Age” in Europe, a period characterized by unusually long and cold winters. This period coincides closely with the time during which the Sun is known to have had time of inactivity, with some of the worst weather occurring squarely during the Maunder minimum.

…is that it led to widespread famine, disease and widespread depopulation. Oh, wait. Those are all goals embraced by the looniest of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming and their co-religionists in the “Bow Down and Worship Gaia” crowd of even loonier eco-freaks who view mankind as a disease.

Trackposted to Faultline USA, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Democrat=Socialist, , Right Voices, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.