Liberals? Not.

I do heartily wish that those who know better would stop referring to reactionary pseudo-communist/socialist tyrannical statist control freaks as “liberals” when they are indeed the antithesis of liberal thought.

A real liberal would back to the hilt every single Constitutional right The People posess, including the right toi keep and bear arms (against a tyrannical government, among other dangers), the right of free association, and the rights not ennumerated, as mentioned in the 10th Amendment.

A real liberal would seek at every turn to curb government intrusion into individuals’ lives.

A real liberal would seek to lessen the burden of taxation upon The People.

A real liberal would, in short, be the exact opposite of those lying bastards of Satan on the left who falsely claim to adhere to liberal principles.

And I’d like to see such reactionary pseudo-communist/socialist tyrannical statist control freaks stoned for false witness when they refer to themselves as “progressives” too.

(Yeh, yeh, I know: they’re probably already “stoned” eh?)

A grassroots movement to simply call these folks “liars” might be best. Liberals they ain’t.

OTOH, soi disant “conservatives” who are indistinguishable from the reactionary pseudo-communist/socialist tyrannical statist control freaks on the Left, save for a few cosmetic false declarations, are hardly any better.

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29 Replies to “Liberals? Not.”

  1. Pingback: Right Truth
  2. Pingback: The Amboy Times
  3. The problem with about half our country is they don’t really believe in anything, nothing is worth fighting for, nothing is worth dieing for and so why should anyone worry about having personal property, why would anyone bother to protect property or life? There is no reason to strive to be better today than yesterday since nothing matters in the long run everyone simply dies and nothing happens other than you turn in to worm food.

    There is no connection made with the eternities as man is nothing more than an intelligent animal; no relation exists between God and man, all that junk in our founding documents is simply flowery rhetoric to make it sound important. How sad.

  4. Pingback: Beagle Scout
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  8. Pingback: The Amboy Times
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