Yo Grandmama, Obama

After Obama’s racist speech last week, apart from one post (and a few comments elsewhere) I’ve been mostly speechless. Of all the politicians *spit* out there, surely Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey now lays legitimate claim to Clown Prince of Audacity.

Today, in partial response to Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey’s disgusting and disingenuous performance (throwing grandma under the buss, for example*), I’ve taken up Nuke Gingrich’s invitation to make my own BHO-W poster, after the disgusting Marxist P.o.S., urm crap (with apologies to turds everywhere) posted here. Actually, most of my slogans were too long for the linked page to process, so I just used a graphics program and inserte my own text.

In “honor” of Obama’s racist speech,


NOTE: In his book, The Audacity of Hope (I’ve been informed by a reliable source that the incident was “reported” in the pseudo-bio, “Dreams From My Father,” instead), Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey has been widely reported to have related the “grandma incident” as a one-time thing, when indeed she appeared to have had a legitimate reason for fearing a specific black man. In his speech, he transformed a previously-reported (by himself) one-time event into a generic “fear black men” whitey reaction. Liar, liar. Which was it, Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey? No matter which you choose now, you have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that your word is lies upon lies. And not very credible, crafty or deniable lies, as a smart well-seasoned politician would utter.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, InvestorBlogger, Leaning Straight Up, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Stageleft, Adeline and Hazel, and D equals S, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

13 Replies to “Yo Grandmama, Obama”

  1. It makes me cringe to think this guy might some day occupy the White House! And, it sickens to me to think how many people take him at face value, believe any and everything he says, and cannot see the lies in what he says. I believe they have their ears plugged in order not to hear the lies in what he says. When I heard him talk about his grandmother as though she was a racist, it made me sick! And, he said her words made him ‘cringe’.

    Sure, there are some racists in our world, but you won’t find EVERY white person with embedded hatred toward blacks. We don’t walk the street fearing black people. Heck, there are white people that I might fear more! And, I sure don’t try to side step them or cross the street as he has suggested. He is an all-time liar, racist, and bigot. And it probably wasn’t all instilled in him through his pastor Wright!

  2. This is incredulous. In the beginning, I liked him. I couldn’t stand his policies, but I liked him personally. What a politian. When will I learn? I guess that’s because I keep thinking about running for Congress. I KNOW I’m not a liar, nor am I a thief of other people’s money (or my own, lol). *sigh*

  3. I heard one of the talk radio hosts, I think it was Rush, advise Obama to either learn how to lie better or give it up because following on the heals of the best ever, that being Bill Clinton, there was just too much ground to make up.

  4. Good post thanks. Love those posters.

    It is about time “Whitey” and other people of good and decent tolerance point out the major locus of hatred and racism in America. Your posters are a nice start.

  5. Rosemary,

    “…I keep thinking about running for Congress. I KNOW I’m not a liar, nor am I a thief of other people’s money…”

    Well, you’ve just listed your disqualifications for office.

  6. Hussein…….ah yes the I hate whiteys and Jews candidate of the year……….that alleged pastor should be excommunicated from the Church..for reals. pfftt! 🙂

  7. Isn’t it amazing how politicians seem to think that they can get away with telling one story on a given day and then come back and tell a completely different one a week, a few months, or a few years later? And expect to get away with it?

    Could it be because they know that most of us simply aren’t paying attention? Less than 10% of adults watch television news every week. Less than 3% of adults in the U.S. voted in 2000.

    With numbers like that, they KNOW they can get away with lying. It’s the Audacity of Apathy!

  8. Perri,

    It’s not apathy that keeps me from watching the news. It’s disgust. I’d much rather *heh* get my news elsewhere. The Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind is everywhere, though, so it’s difficult to get reliable information without sifting many sources. And time is an element: only have so much, so collecting info to sift…

    It’s all about choosing my filters.

    And that’s perhaps a reason why fewer and fewer people watch news and even perghaps a reson why some of them don’t vote: more people than you may realize have at least unconscious B.S. meters that tell them they have little reliable information to go on, and so perhaps some of them don’t vote from a sense of civic responsibility.

    Others may not vote because they see “the system” as unchangeable. Still others may not vote because of apathy, as you’ve pointed out, of course, and perhaps they are the majority of non-voters, but that’s just speculation on my part. Some may be responsible enough but realize they are just too stupid to be allowed to pull the lever. (I could wish.)

    A large component of the non-voting electorate may be due to some underlying changes in society that are debilitating in many ways.

    Gone is the “cracker barrel” from most neighborhoods, where local “sages” gathered to deal with the woes of the world… or perhaps just their own neighborhood: a place where public opinion was hammered out one-on-one and local solons could emerge to mold local opinions. And with local sages whose opinions could be trusted–locally–because they were known, warts and all, and public policy truly being hammered out in a truly public forum, on the wane, it’s easier for folks to feel ever more disconnected from their governments.

    And there’s more…

    Heck, even here in America’s Third World County, where people are scrambling to handle two jobs, shuffling kids to ever more “activities” (cos the parents are often too brain dead–for many varied reasons–to have actual families), city council meetings and even school board meetings are pretty sparse, unless there’s a juicy whiff of scandal floating in the air. *sigh*

    Self-government: the ultimate “reality show” complete with fake “real people” (politicians) and audience (electorate), and yet it’s getting an ever smaller viewer share. I wonder why? *heh*

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