Issue 2: An arrogant political elite

I feel almost as though this were a completely unnecessary post. Do I really need to post a short catalog of the behaviors of national politicians *spit* to illustrate the point that, once elected, most politicians *spit* are completely unconcerned with what the “little people” who elected them really think? (And why should they be concerned? After all, over half the population is as dumb as a bag of hammers. It’s how those same politicians *spit* got elected to begin with!)

Heck, I don’t even need to catalog the arrogance of national politicians *spit* at all: most of you can single out a smarmy local politician (school board member, alderman, sheriff, etc.) who has as much interest in keeping campaign promises as apparently most “law enforcement” officers have in obeying traffic laws themselves; that is, slim to none.

That “we the people” only rarely rise up and throw a royal hissy fit (as was done recently concerning the lies, damned lies and political propaganda from politicians *spit*, MAss Media Podpeople and other traitors with the Senate *spit* shamnesty bill) about the arrogance and disrespect for law, honesty, decency and duty shown by politicians *spit* on a daily basis is a mortal wound in the back of our once Republic. That “we the people” have the attention span of a swarm of gnats and promptly subside and allow business as usual by politicians *spit* as soon as one of the extremely rare, righteous hissy fits have passed is the meat and potatoes of politicians’ *spit* job security plans.

I used to have an almost perfectly correct statement as a header quote on this blog (one word kept it from being as close to perfect as a statement about our political process as one could find):

“The purpose of government is to hire and employ government workers, to collect money from the citizens and spend it; and the goal of politicians is to stay in office and avoid having to go back to work.”—Jerry Pournelle

The only thing at all wrong with that comment is the word “back”. Find me a handful of congresscritters who have ever done a lick of honest work in their lives to go back to, and you’ll have made Diogenes look like a piker.

The solution? You won’t like it, because it’ll require becoming a real pain in the neck to darned near every person you meet, have met or can in any way influence (and frankly, most will end up having a lower *cough* opinion of you). Without ceasing, attempt to persuade every person you know to throw the bums out. All of them. Any congresscritter, state representative, mayor, alderman, school board member or city councilman who’s been a politician *spit* for more than two terms of any office is irreparably compromised. Most of them were venal, incompetent, power-hungry, worthless specimens of humanity to begin with (it’s why easily more than half of politicians *spit* seek public office), and the rest have almost all achieved the nadir of venality, incompetence, etc., by their second term. (Do note: there are some who resist corruption of character a bit more vigorously than others, and some–fewer still–who do not seek public office for base reasons. I do applaud those rare, rare individuals who wade into the swamp of contemporary politics with good intentions, but I do wonder why those with good character allow themselves to be so quickly corrupted that they will refer to the snakes they are surrounded by as “my esteemed colleague” instead of “the spawn of Satan”… )

No, your fellow citizens (or “subjects” as politicians *spit* think of them in their heart of hearts) are mostly enstupiated to the point that most will not appreciate having it brought to their attention that they have elected worthless bags of pus to public office.

But someone has to point out that the “emperor” not only has no clothes on, but that “his” fat, hairy, pimpled @** is crushing the life out of the Republic.

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