Issue 3: Borders that… ain’t

This is an easy one. I’ve asked (and answered) the question before: What do you call a country that doesn’t enforce its own borders?


And here’s the kicker: our president and many–perhaps even a majority–congresscritters DO NOT WANT TO ENFORCE OUR BORDERS. The simple corrollary to that is that they want to surrender U.S. sovereignty, denounce U.S. territoriality. That is the universal effect throughout history of nations that do not enforce their own borders: they cease to exist as sovereign nations.

History will record–likely in Spanish, if he has his way–how Fifi Bush, Felipe Calderon’s lapdog, enforced his policy of erasing America’s borders and surrendering American sovereignty by his open antipathy to those who are tasked by law with defending our borders actually doing their job..

The very fact that this administration and what appears to be close to (or an actual) majority of congresscritters are determined to reward outlaws and punish law-abiding folk (that’s what amnesty for 12-20 million illegals by any name is: classic anarcho-tyranny) is enough to steam the shorts of any decent person.

What to do? Well, for a start, don’t stop pressuring the White House and your congresscritters with phone calls, faxes, emails and letters, just because the senate shamnesty bill was (temporarily!) derailed. The traitors won’t give up so easily, so you should continue to stir up as much antipathy to their shameful behavior as possble and make it clear to them all that you will hold every single one accountable.

Put THIS LINK on your SpeedDial (if you use a real browser) or put it on your desktop. All the addresses, email addys, phone and fax numbers for the administration and your congresscritters are there. And there’s also a facility enabling you to send FREE faxes to your congresscritters, as well. Heck, sign up for their regular emailouts, too.

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