No, not “Prostate Specific Antibody,” “Public Service Announcement.”

Howard Larson, of Potbelly Stove, has brought a problem to my attention–his trackbacks haven’t been showing up here. Among the posts he trackposted here are these four that are very much worth reading:

A Matter of Will

Who Let Carter Out?

Of Drugs and Guns

Polls and The War

Apologies for the (either) technical glitch or my own failure to catch in moderation or SPAM queues, Howard. I’ll make sure your site’s whitelisted and also keep a special lookout for any tbs from you in the future.

And for any other folks who think some your comments or tbs have gone awry, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to see that your inlinks/tbs are honored and comments posted. Unless, of course, your comment doesn’t meet my rather lenient comment policy. 😉

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