Very Short Roundup/Monday OP

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the brief roundup featuring articles by Mensa Barbie, STACLU, Conservative Cat (Ferdy: gottalovehim), Planck’s Constant, Big Lizards, Blue Star Chronicles, Woody’s News and Views, Woman Honor Thyself, All Things Beautiful, and Basil’s Blog.

UPDATE: N.B.—I inadvertently (got inna hurry paging through mky SPAM moderation queue, ya know) deleted a TB from Bernie at Planck’s Constant. That’s a no-no in my book, so here’s the link and lede:

Muslim Humor-Muslim Jokes

I have taken it upon myself to supply the world with more Muslim jokes. It goes without saying that Muslims are perhaps the least humorous folk on Earth; whereas Jews have learned to laugh at themselves, even turning that laughter into a business: Vaudeville.

There ya go, Bernie. I’ll be more careful in the future.

Amid alla the brouhaha about the information from France, via Al- jizeera, from Saudi Arabia saying its source is Al Qaeda (damned liars reliable sources one and all *cough-spit*), let’s keep our eye on the ball in the GWOT—Truth and Justice and Iraq, in particular: Mensa Barbie offers a lil timely aid in that effort.

About that GWOT, Clinton’s apologia for his eight years’ inaction, balancing civil rights and national security, etc., STACLU comments on “Learning From The Past”.

A heartwarming link (with typical commentary) from Conservative Cat. Makes me wanna do a happy dance. *heh*

Planck’s Constant shares with us his grief over the report of bin Laden’s reported death. I agree, Bernie, though I feel perhaps your “grief” may not be quite deep enough; the proper treatment of OBL’s burial would involve a bit more, I think… *heh*

Suggested “bedmate’ for OBL’s final resting place

Daffyd (Big Lizards) notes the award of the laurel wreath to the Champion of Terrorist Rights, today. Indeed.

Blue Star Chronicles reminds us of who the real heroes are in the GWOT (Hint: they’re not found among Political Poltroons, Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats or Academia But Fruitcakes).

On a slight *a-hem* change of pace, Woody’s News and Viewsd has a couple of “see ’em to believe ’em” posts. OK, one is simply a graphic that strikes a resonant chord in me, the other’s a video that’s worth a lil break time.

Even further along the curve away from the GWOT (or is it, really?), Angel’s weekend open trackbacks post has some good thoughts, calming pics. Head on over to Woman Honor Thyself for a lil time of quiet contemplation of the splendor of creation.

Alexandra’s Rosh Hashanah post at All things Beautiful is one of the weekend’s “must reads” IMO.

And finally, head on over to Basil’s Blog to test your knowledge of Ramadan.

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