Give ’em a taste of what they say they want

John Stephemson sent out a lil note about this monument to educratic stupidity:

Schools Ban Patriotic Clothes, Flags

Reason given?

“According to school officials, some students are using the garments and flags to taunt classmates.”

If the students wear/wave the American flag AND taunt kids who identify with the “reconquistas” movement, THEN they are ENGAGING IN POLITICAL SPEECH, WHICH IS SPECIFICALLY THE _ONLY_ KIND OF SPEECH THE FIRST AMENDMENT ADDRESSES, apart from religious practice, which can contain speech and other aspects of expression.

(Minor apologies for the “shouting” but it’s either that or increase the font size by an order of magnitude… at least *sigh*)

I do with our judges and justices had the sense God gave a head of cabbage and could actually read what the First Amendment says, what the Framers said they intended it to mean (which is, shock!, exactly what it does say, no more and no less), and then say clearly: “Political SPEECH (not “expression”—the Framers SPECIFICALLY excluded that as an interpretation!) is protected by the Constitution. For protection of other speech or expression, look to state or local government.”

School officials who do not

a.) expel students who provoke AMERICAN students by proclaiming allegiance to another country and intent to conquer (at least portions of) America and
b.) affirm and support students who proclaim their alliegiance to the U.S.

…need an introduction to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether… and “rail transport” out of town… and across the nearest border to “Aztlan”.

Students waving a Mexican flag and proclaiming allegiance to “reconquista” are engaging NOT in free political speech but in sedition and should be punished… or deported to the land of their affections.

Hoisting the AMERICAN flag at Basil’s Blog, The Real Ugly American and Jo’s Cafe.

Yeh, yeh: it took me forever to catch the typo in the post title. Fixed now.

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