One Final Appeal

One last appeal to anyone who may be considering a “protest” vote today: Bill Whittle’s “Falling on Principle”

Consider carefully who and what you vote for today, from local races all the way to DC.

Here in America’s Third World County™, polling places were open at 6:00 this morning, and parking places at our polling place were thin on the ground. All the voting “booths” were filled when we walked in, but there was almost no waiting (apart from having our drivers licenses scanned and signing the electronic “register”), because people were, for the most part, voting quickly and getting back on the road to work.

Yep. No Odumbo bumper stickers on the cars outside at all, at all.

I know a number of Ron Paul die-hards America’s Third World County™ who were planning on sitting this one out, but the sheer weight of Makers here in the county as opposed to Takers (many of whom around here cannot legally vote anyway, since they’re illegals*) means that I’ll be hugely surprised if Dhimmicraps receive more than 10% of this county’s votes this year. Seriously.

Would that this county were a microcosm of the rest of the country, third world infrastructure and jury-rigging tightwaddery and all…

In a more perfect world, Frank J. Flemming’s views of government–which are more in line with the goals the Founders had in mind (as the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, et al point to) than those any politician now on the stage declares–his views would hold a strong majority of the electorate, but in our real world, we must fight the fight we have.

If you want to vote against statism, make your vote count. Yeh, the Republicans on your ballot are still very likely drawn from the shallow end of the pseudo-conservative swamp that has, for the most part, given us wannabe elite country club Repugnican’ts since the G.H.W. Bush camp’s slaying of the Reagan revolution lion, but driving toward a cliff at 75mph still gives us more room for maneuver and time to salvage something than driving toward a cliff at the Dhimmicrappic Party’s current 120mph.

Throwing some bubblegum at the vehicle’s tires by casting a protest vote just isn’t going to help anything, and saying, in whatever principled fashion, “All the candidates from the two major parties are scoundrels, so I’ll not vote for any of ’em. Let the country get what it deserves. Maybe when it all crashes down, we can resurrect something worthwhile from the ashes,” is just a libertarian/liberal embrace of the socialist Cloward-Pivens principle that Obama and his ilk have instituted with a vengeance.

Seriously. A “principled” protest vote is nothing more or less than an attempt to do the same ruinous things Obama and his co-conspirators, fellow travelers, cronies and useful idiots have spent the last (nearly) four years doing: burn the house down in a belief that YOUR views will emerge from the ashes.

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