It Ain’t Exactly the Hokey Pokey ;-)–Updated

Take three steps back; take one step forward…

I think we’ve finally found the paint colors we want to use on the walls and cabinets. Oh, and the two shelves on the former “coffee shrine” have eight hours dry time before the next three paints can be applied, then a few more past that before the first top coat of sealer. Looks to be the end of the week, at least, before the walnut shelf supports can be reinstalled and my Wonder Woman’s baskets (which we picked up Saturday) can all be put in place. But by that time, the walls, at least, should be painted. Not promising the cabinets by then. Nuh-uh. I know better than that. 🙂

N.B. This post was really just an excuse to use the new drag ‘n’ drop file upload capabilities of WordPress 3.3. Didn’t work. Oh, well.

OK, now the new paint color for the walls is on one section that can be seen in the pic below. It’s also “sampled” on a cabinet door. Nope. Not painting the cabinets that color. Under-cabinet lighting: almost finished. Shelves on former “coffee shrine” (to the left of the microwave): finished (a piece of trim still needs to be reattached to the left side of that semi-open cabinet). The window area is still a mess, and where I had built a desk attached to the counter area (from long ago days of yore when my Wonder Woman needed a dedicated but open area for a desktop computer–long story) is awaiting removal so a plate rack and new, small (about same size as the former one) “coffee shrine” can go in on the dining side of the counter top.


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