Birds of a Feather

The filthy “Occupy Wall Street” dumbasses have gained three new supporters:

Obama extends support for protesters


Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements

Of course.

Birds of a feather.

UPDATE: More commie/socialist/statist-tyrannist birds flock to join the OWS unwashed:

China: Occupy Wall Street’s issues worth thought

2 Replies to “Birds of a Feather”

  1. How is you are able to say so much with so few words and get it right? It takes me two pages of run on sentences to say as much and by then half the folks reading have fallen asleep. You said all that needs to be said about the malignancy which is destroying our country.

    1. Not quite yet, TF. I have an addendum to this post today…

      Oh, but to actually answer the question posed, I suppose I have to use fewer words because as I get older I seem to be leaking words and I’m trying to hold onto whatever I have left. *heh*

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